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Wednesday, 27 October 2010

UK Government to act on human rights abuses in cameroon

The latest UK-Parliamentary Human Rights Group report on Cameroon found out that too many people are afraid to report crimes and corruption to authorities.

 Sadly this is the reality in Cameroon and less is done by those who are in total control of the power. As this report details, members of the parliamentary human rights group met with many people who described in their own words enforced disappearances, unlawful arrests and detention, organised beatings in police and military police cells and jails, house-burnings in the night and torture by specialised armed forces.

 An extreme culture of impunity has been installed in Cameroon ,especially for military police and armed forces. This is mean that most  people are too afraid to report crimes and even those with courage reported do not generally result in thorough investigation and prosecution.

Lord Frank Judd, one of the writer of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group finding mission report , and president of Africa Inequality and Millennium Development Goals campaign

There have been in recent months a small change of tactic after the international community complaint to the United Nations meeting about human rights abuses committed in Cameroon by military police and armed forces. Few of them have been sent in prison and other are still walking free on the streets.

 There is no real Parliamentary scrutiny or transparency over what President Biya  and his Government are doing, not helped by the fact that 75%  of the National Assembly is on the hands of the ruling party, the Cameroon people democratic movement ( CPDM) where all members belong to the same party (CPDM). Cameroonian`s own Human Rights Ombudsman is hostile to the concept of independent NGOs holding the Government to account.

One Ntarikon`s villager told us: "Biya  laws do not protect me"." You cannot take a police officer who verbally abuse you and even torture you to court and face a simple trial, just because they think that they are above the law and they can do to you whatever they want to..This is what it is happening in the North-West of Cameroon even there is a little change of that behaviour..But for how long?". .

Turning a blind eye to human rights abuses under the misplaced assumption that Cameroon  is stable under Paul Biya and his armed forces general council 's iron regime only stores up problems for the future.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Cameroon still and remain a < highly corrupt > country

The 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index  released today shows that Cameroon despite government < efforts> of creating by degree and putting in place untrustworthy mechanism and general policy of fighting against corruption, in the Index scores 2.2, which means a highly corrupt country.

This new release report damaged once more Paul Biya`s administration on their own way of fighting against corruption. Far too much of the debate about the size of corruption is being conducted in Cameroon where officials are trying to justify efforts that have been done since 2000.

Me Akere Muna,Cameroon- TI, vice- chair...

Yet there is far too little focus on what other countries are doing to fight against corruption. There is a growing consensus that growth among Biya entourage won`t revert the fight against corruption.

 There is much nonsense around about how Cameroon is about to fight against corruption .

Transparency and accountability are critical to restoring trust and turning back the tide of corruption according to, Me Akere Muna, vice-chair of Transparency International, cameroon branch. Speaking on the phone, Me Akere Muna said that < What this report is saying is there are still much more to do than what the government is trying to do by just creating bureaucratic and administrative holes of corruption, and in cameroon here it is very difficult to read and even to know what  is the general policy or the mechanism to fight against corruption. Apart from seeing and learning that some government ministers, from Paul Biya political party, the Cameroon People Democratic Movement ( CPDM)  have been arrested, detained and sent to  jail for embezzlement and corruption could sound as a good thing but it does not tell exactly how the government operate in the fight against corruption.
The political environment itself it like payback time where those in power show the rest that they have an unconstitutional power to arrest and detain whosoever they want and send the person in prison even without charges.
In Africa they will say that Paul Biya by sending his own people in jail in doing a good job. This is the way they do in cameroon and also the 66 article from the constitution that oblige people to declare their possession and belongings before taking an elective office is not yet implemented. That one should be the one that will open the country a new  way of dealing with corruption. Biya can arrest who he likes and all are members of his own political party and not from the opposition. The today`s report just confirm the reality of what is happening in cameroon...>.

 Cameroon needs to bolster his good governance mechanism said Muna before concluding that the system in place in cameroon does not allow and even permit the country to bolster the good governance.

Corruption and poverty remain an obstacle in cameroon to achieve much needed progress. When Biya was re-elected in 2007 he said that corruption and poverty were going to be his fight and more that 3 years after that and nearly 14 years on, cameroon still and remain a highly corrupted country in the world and today now far behind Zimbabwe.

To address corruption and poverty, Paul Biya administration  needs to integrate anti-corruption measures in all spheres,  to eradicate poverty and corruption. These measures are there in place in cameroon but do not work as expected. and why? Right this is  the question millions are asking themselves without answers. Cameroon this year scores 2.2 and is 146 of 178 countries.

Huguette Labelle, TI Chair..

According to Huguette Labelle, chair of Transparency International, Transparency International (TI) defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. This definition encompasses corrupt practices in both the public and private sectors. The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranks countries according to perception of corruption in the public sector. The CPI is an aggregate indicator that combines different sources of information about corruption, making it possible to compare countries.

And this is what she said when she was in cameroon, <in governmental department programs such as in customs and state enterprises would go a long way to prevent corruption and establish mechanisms for early detection of misappropriations, fraud and major losses of essentials resources. In all organizations there are numerous ways of defrauding the organization. Corruption risk assessment .

Neglect in this regard can be very costly and bring down the reputation of and enterprise, something very difficult to rebuild. The most fundamental element of a Good Governance Doctrine is for all countries to have a well performing justice system with an independent, professional and properly resourced judiciary and with a professional and ethical police force....>  Unfortunately, cameroon just show that it  is not yet ready for it and that it is a long long way to go...

Monday, 25 October 2010

Presidentielles 2011: Rene Sadi face a la pression de l`aile moderniste du Rdpc

Les < modernistes> et < reformistes> du Rassemblement Democratique du Peuple Camerounais, ( RDPC), parti proche du pouvoir au Cameroun critiquent l`allongement de la duree des mandats de president national et de president de la Republique.

Au sein du bureau politique et du comite central du Rdpc, il y a des engagements qu`on n`est toujours pas prets a prendre. Accepter sans rien dire ou se prononcer ouvertement en dehors du cadre restreint statutaire du parti, de l`allongement de la duree de mandat de president national et de la Republique.

Rene Sadi, secretaire general du comite central du rdpc

 La longue presence de Paul Biya au poste de president national du rdpc a favorise avec une certaine exhuberation le financement parfois occulte et dans une opacite deconcertante le systeme qui depuis pres de 28 ans aujourd`hui fait la part belle a une certaine elite proche du pouvoir.

Alors , lorsque Rene Sadi, le secretaire general du comite central du rdpc a cherche a clarifier la position du parti sur la necessite de la reforme et sur le respect scrupuleux des textes statutaires et reglement interieur du parti et sur l`avenir du cameroun tout en precisant que  < meme ceux qui dans leur activisme hors du cadre statutaire du parti.....> y etaient favorables a la position du parti, le secretaire general a du inquieter plus d`un dans les rangs disperses des membres du parti.

A entendre ceux qui se passent aujourd`hui pour les modernistes et reformistes du parti, le message que tente de passer le secretaire general du comite central du rdpc est mal percu en pleine re-mobilisation des militants a la base.

Un recent sondage realise par une organisation non gouvernementale qui travaille avec des jeunes dans les villes de Douala et Yaounde et qui a requis l`anonymat pour ne pas se voir refuser de futur financement de certains cadres du parti proche du pouvoir, le rdpc  revele qu`une grande partie de l`electorat s`interroge aujourd`hui sur la volonte reelle a ne pas ouvrir le debat sur la pluralite des candidatures a l`election du president national du parti qui, statutairement est le candidat naturel du parti a l`election presidentielle.

 Dans l`entourage de Rene Sadi, l`on s`interroge sur le comportement de certains membres qui agissent en dehors des normes fixees par le parti et qui sont neanmoins des candidats potentiels et serieux a une probable election pluraliste au sein du parti. Leur agitation publique est consideree par le secretaire general adjoint du comite central du rdpc Gregoire Owona comme orgueil naturel et une rebellion qu`un parti qui se veut respectable ne devrait pas permettre ni meme autoriser.

Negociees aprement il y a pres de 3 ans, les propositions de l`aile dite moderniste du rdpc sur la reforme et la relecture de certains textes statutaires du parti avaient l`object d`un equilibre entre l`aile dure conduite par Gregoire Owona, secretaire general adjoint du comite central et l`aile moderniste qui avait recu l`accord de principe de Paul Biya et conduite par chief Mila Asoute, Christian Penda Ekoka, Samuel Efoua Mbozo`o, Antoine Logmo..

Albert Mbida et Jean Michel N

Les modernistes qui ont souvent ete recu par Paul Biya ont la forte impression que l`aile dure du parti veut les forcer la main afin d`eviter de multiples promesses fallacieuses. Mila Asoute s`est deja officiellement desolidarise du parti et s`exprime deja comme leader d`un parti politique issu d`une discorde certaine avec la grande instance du Rdpc.

 Aujourd`hui Rene Sadi aurait recu mandat du president national de corriger le tir et de ramener les dissidents a la table de negociation. Les modernistes ont longtemps critique l`absence de negociation du comite central du rdpc. La duree du mandat de president national et l`ouverture a la pluralite de candidatures doivent faire partie de la negociation.

Le secretaire general du comite central du rdpc a entrepris des demarches afin de preparer les uns et les autres sur cette probable rencontre a la negociation avec les modernistes.  L`inquietude est la. La fronde que compte lancer les modernistes est genante.

Le comite centrale craint qu`une partie de l`electorat risque de s`abstenir de voter si le parti ne change pas sa position vis-a-vis des modernistes.

 Ndongo Essomba, president du groupe parlementaire du rdpc a l`Assemblee Nationale et membre du tres selectif bureau politique, Ayang Luc, du conseil economique et social et Cavaye Yeguie Djibril de l`Assemblee Nationale ont deja recu des instructions directes du chef de l`Etat en vue de la preparation du terrain pour la prochaine election presidentielle d`octobre 2011.

 Mais il est peu probable que le secretaire general du comite centrale du rdpc modifie son positionnement.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Are asylum seekers or ( illegal immigrants) are also in (to) this together...?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 in the House of Commons, George Obsorne has unveiled his spending review. " We are all in this together" was repeated many time by the Chancellor during his highly expected  declaration of (war).

It might serve as the official slogan of the Coalition Government. That was an historic day and a painful one for more than 500.000 (official and unofficial) illegal immigrants or failed asylum seeker or asylum seekers in the UK.

That day, the sanctuary home for many illegal immigrants or undocumented people began the painful process of breaking its addiction to ever more reckless public spending for the first time.

Tories and Lib-Dem say, these cuts are vital if Britain is to reduce a debt crisis costing £120 million a day in interest.Nobody should doubt that the next few years will be tough.

But that sadly, is the price ( illegal immigrants, failed asylum seekers and etc...) must pay for the immoral greed of the bankers and the insane profligacy of the previous government that is saying there is ( another way for reducing the debt...).

 The Home Office which funds the police and protects Britain`s borders will see his budget cut between 23-20%.

Home Office cuts will see the UK Border Agency lose between 20-24% of its budget. Some 12.000 jobs will go from the range of UK immigration reception, and removal centres. Legal aid budget will be reduced by just £350 million.

The Home Office signed £ millions and billion contracts with private companies to accommodate asylum seekers. Asylum seekers are only service users and not beneficiary. Most of them live in an indescribable house condition, crowded accommodation with poor ventilation.

 Theresa May, the Home Secretary has around her,  advisors who  signed £million contract with unskilled companies as Clearsprings management  and Angel Group. They signed agreement with the Secretary of State for the Home Department. Those agencies or companies are the one abusing taxpayers monies and not asylum seekers.

Asylum seekers are now in the same battle..

They have obligation to provide accommodation to asylum seekers. And these are in the worst condition ever even < junkies> would not accept to live in these houses.

 But because asylum seekers are being treated as inhumane, and with no choices they must < live and survive> in those houses with blocked toilets, damp walls, stinking carpets, smelling sinks and kitchen accessories..Instead Theresa May should think about encouraging his private contractors to look at the CSN Stores where they can find everything from beautiful wardrobes   to cookware and lighthings in order to improve the life of asylum seekers before being kick out off the country.  http://www.furniturebycsn.co.uk/Wardrobes-C184097.html

Labour government spent last year around £2.1 billion for legal aid and the money was badly used. The legal aid was being abused by lawyers making multiple claims and appeals particularly on behalf of failed asylum seekers. There are so many stories where lawyers used the legal aid not for the purpose of helping asylum seekers making their claim but for their own purpose.

They used the money to buy luxurious car and funded holidays abroad while their client asylum claim was being rejected by the court. Failed asylum seekers are not pocketing the legal aid and they should not be taken as scapegoat for abusing the legal aid system.

This is were £million contract with Home Office housing providers go..in stinky toilet and bathroom

Asylum seekers have no right to work and can only rely on donation and also on the National Asylum Support Service benefit that is less than £40 a week for an adult. There are news around the corner that failed asylum seekers weekly allowance will be slashed by £5 or £10 as the Coalition government focuses assistance on the most deserving.

There is no crime in being failed asylum seekers or illegal immigrants in Britain today after the publication of the spending review and in any case there is little that millionaire ministers, most of whom are Tories can do about avoiding trouble.

 There will be trouble of one sort or another. There will be a disturbing rise in fascism and racism throughout Britain and also march against racism and fascism.

Asylum seekers, failed asylum seekers, illegal immigrants who rely on supporters around the country will be joining demo and protests, and they will now be ( deeply) in that together side by side with theirs supporters.

Friday, 22 October 2010

An extra £4 bn to help poor countries for the next 4 years

While the domestic spending in UK is being slashed, the foreign aid budget will increase by 37%.

By increasing is foreign aid, Britain is sending a strong message to the rest of the G20 members that its will honour his promises made to some of the poorest people in the world.

In deciding to increase the foreign aid in the next 4 years, Britain now become the first country in the world to hit one of the United Nations target of donate 0.7% of its national income to the poorest in the world by 2013.

This is still at the moment on the register of a governmental promise to the world`s poor. A promise that need to be respected. From the spending review its appears that the foreign aid budget will grow from £6.3 billion to £9.4 billion by 2014/2015.

This extra aid money would halve according to the Chancellor, George Osborne, the death from malaria and also save around the world lives of 50.000 pregnant women and 250.000 babies.

Philip Davies, Tory Mp decided to scrutinise cameroon used of uk foreign aid.

Aid fund will target in a country like Cameroon, the fight against corruption, the capacity building program to improve the judicial system and his total independence from the state implication, improve the governance and accountability and the independence of the national commission to supervise the elections.
These are the areas that the UK foreign aid in the next 4 years will be allocated in Cameroon. and the government will need to continue its efforts in transparent governance and fighting corruption.

To avoid lots of critics, the coalition government has decided to set up an Independent Commission for Aid Impact with mission to monitor the spending of aid.

 In Cameroon, where there is a real presence of a dictatorship power, some criticism said that foreign aid there is a waste of taxpayers money.
 A group of Mps will be travelling back to Cameroon before the end of the year to re-scrutinise the use of the foreign aid.

Philip Davies, a Tory member of the Parliament said in an interview with the BBC that he and his colleagues will launch an inquiry in Cameroon to scrutinise the government used of the foreign aid they received from the UK.

Cameron`s controversial independence for its judicial system reform has already affect millions of its people.

Davies really think that money should be wisely spent in area where people really need UK support and not where the government is using the UK taxpayers money to buy arms and ammunition to fight against his own people and diminish their freedom of speech and expression

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Could Biya shakes off his corrupted political system past for an emerging strong country ?

Next Tuesday 26 October 2010, Transparency International , the leading civil society organisation fighting corruption worldwide, will release its 15th annual Corruption Perception Index.

This year’s index ranks 178 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. The Corruption Perception Index helps to highlight the propensity of domestic corruption and its damaging influence.

 In the 2009 report, Cameroon scored 2.2 reserved for  these most countries where authorities do really nothing to fight against corruption and was listed 146 out  of 168 countries assessed. This year will its move far from the worst rank to the much better one or.....stuck in the same worst position? The country shared the same position with Zimbabwe.

10 years after the release of the 5th annual Corruption Perceptions Index that has damaged the image of the country because its was listed as the most corrupted country in the world  ( 168 countries ) and one in which authorities do nothing to fight against corruption. 

Huguette Labelle, Transparency International chair

Authorities in Cameroon are anxiously awaiting the publication of the results. 

Its  will show how the country has scored in fighting against corruption and the level of perception of corruption and also if the mechanism itself put in place through decrees by Biya is worth.

 Millions of cfa francs have been spent to operate these ministerial committees and sub-committees and commissions  to fight against corruption. But results are still yet to come. 

10 years after that report, Cameroon still hardly struggling to find his way out of that perception. In the minds of Western investors it is still tainted with heavily corruption while the tentacles of a big state strangle free markets and business.

In Cameroon, corruption is still going on, elections that are faked are still going on. Ethnic discrimination and silent and hidden violence are still going on. Although the country is showing signs of recovery from the damaged face of a corrupted country, signs of a forgotten and unfashionable investment destination, the country`s economic fortunes have not fared much better. 
There are few signs of development recorder ed. Since 1997, Cameroon`s political system has and still struggled to maintain a strong stability. Biya`s grip of the military and armed forces seemed to spell a prolonged of authoritarian rule and power. Paul Biya in Cameroon retains strong ties to the military and armed forces. 

Me Akere Muna leading fighter against corruption

The military is still exerting influence in the backyard of Paul Biya`s rule and their interest in Cameroon are well and sufficiently protected.  And as a whole it is very difficult in that situation to fight against corruption.

There are hopes that the recent commission to fight against corruption created by Biya on the 11 Mars 2010  may be one way to really open up the system and fight against those who steal from the  state. 

Despite having seen a kind of growth on economic with the state financial budget moving far from 1000 billions of cfa francs  to more than 2000 billions of cfa francs in the last 10 years, there are an estimated 65% of Cameroon`s 19.6 millions people live in poverty.

Corruption in Cameroon has lead the country to  a biggest budget deficit of more than 1000 billion cfa francs in the last 10  years according to a leading expert in economic engineering, Babissakana Thomas.

The country`s lack of socioeconomic development was strikingly illustrated at the recent review summit in New-York of the Millennium Development Goals.
Cameroon is completely and significantly off track in achieving any of the goals. Fight against poverty, hunger reduction, improved education and gender equality are the major development challenges and according to data available, Cameroon is far behind his own schedule time programmed by Biya`s administration. 
Jean Marc Bikoko,  leading general secretary of the National Union of Teachers  in Cameroon

France and Britain in Cameroon`s politic failure are on the edge of being targeted as those to blame for the actual state of affairs. 

In today Cameroon`s socio-politic and economic situation, some responsibilities lie with France and Britain that seem not to be very enthusiastic about the various groups that could rule in Cameroon after Paul Biya. 
The publication of the 2010 corruption perception index will show how the country has done since the last one.

Even full of competent and able and skilled people, the country`s economic have not fared much better.
Paul Biya has pledged deep reforms of the way the fight against corruption is held in Cameroon by his own close relatives in an attempt to distance himself from people and practices associated with his political party, the Cameroon People Democratic Movement that needed a real purge of the political system.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Corruption in Cameroon is a perceived problem until....,

Cameroon , where British oil companies and businesses  have substantial interests, does not feature on the UK's list of countries whose human rights records are of concern. That  is very strange and bizarre. Other British businesses operating in Cameroon  include Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Standard Chartered 

It is time now to move on

It is simply untrue that Cameroon doesn`t produce any mineral resources. Just look at how former government ministers have wiped out tax payer monies for their own sake and their family. Embezzlement. That is the word that has to be used. 

And for more than 13 years of impunity and a culture of no question, the country is going in another wrong direction. Corruption is now another way of life in Cameroon. 

From the corruption perception index in 2008, Transparency International found out that  the legal environment for curbing corruption in Cameroon did not undergo any significant change.

Because during that period, Paul Biya didn`t take reasonable stand and step to fight corruption from its roots. Members of his own family and the first lady were involved in corruption affairs. 

This was despite President Paul Biya’s communication, at the first meeting of newly appointed Cabinet ministers in 2007, that his three priorities for action were boosting economic growth, improving the population’s living conditions and fighting corruption.

In his end-of-year address to the nation, Biya underlined the depth of his commitment by stating, ‘The time has come for action. We must shake off inertia, remove obstacles, set goals and deadlines... and meet these targets.’ 

Although such statements were  encouraging, unfortunately these words were not enough. Although some  scapegoats ministers were arrested and charged for embezzlement while others who didn`t shown outside that they stole from the State were left free and walking on the street and enjoying their life . But for how long? Only Paul Biya will decide..

Laws need to be implemented and be made effective if Cameroon’s efforts to adopt anti-corruption measures are to be successful and supported by Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index and Global Corruption Barometer. 

Corruption, like any other form of widespread social phenomenon, is built on networks and interactions.  Treating it in isolation is therefore ineffective, and as such it should be approached in a systemic way, looking not only at cases of corruption but also the reforms under way to identify weaknesses in the fight against it. 
It is now time to go

These figures support the president’s assessment , that Cameroon is suffering inertia in promoting reforms that could assist in anti-corruption initiatives.

The most important factors that encourage corruption are impunity and lack of sanctions,

inertia and inaction on the part of the administration, the desire for personal enrichment, lack of transparency and low wages.

The government has responded with various measures to deal with these challenges.

In relation to impunity and lack of sanctions, an acceleration of legal proceedings has led to high-level government dignitaries being charged and imprisoned. Those who have been arrested are been portrayed as the scapegoat of a failed regime and government in Cameroon.

Biya at 73 year old now  is the one promoting and not being able to fight that  inertia and on top of that he has the  power, the constitutional power today to fight against the so called inertia. 

The only way to move forward will be for him to just step down as the head of state and leave the 12 millions eligible voters to decide on a fair, transparent and democratic general election or presidential election  the future of the country. .

Is Biya today  ready  to do that ? Or will his army general`advisors should instruct him to step down for the sake of his age and after played an important role in maintaining peace and social-stability in the country with the help of the armed forces...?

The 2010 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index ( CPI)  will be published next Tuesday the 26th October and it will be good to see how Cameroon has managed again to show the world that something is been done internally and politically to fight against corruption..

Three G4S escort guard arrested over Mubenga death and released on police bail

According to Associated Press, Three civilian security guards, those who were supposed to supervise the deportation of a failed asylum seeker from the UK back to Luanda in Angola, were arrested yesterday over the death of Jimmy Mubenga  while they were deporting him from the UK. 
The coroner medical report will tell exactly what happened
The three, aged 35, 48 and 49, were arrested at a West London police station yesterday and have been released on police bail until December pending further inquiries. 
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The deceased was being deported from the UK under escort by civilian security guards. These three men worked for Group4 securicor, a private contractor company with the Home Office to hold in a secured immigration detention centre all asylum seekers and failed asylum seekers awaiting deportation order from the Cour or from an immigration officer or judge and also to manage their forcibly  removal from the UK. 
The G4S is a multi-millions pounds contract company with the Home Office and often employed most black and minorities ethnics staff rather than Born British personnel.
Inquiries continue to establish the full circumstances of the incident. The death is being treated as unexplained at this stage."

Scotland Yard confirmed that their homicide unit had taken command of the investigation after it was initially dealt with by officers from Heathrow CID.

Jimmy Mubenga, 46, collapsed on a airplane at Heathrow Airport while he was being escorted by the three men as he waited to be flown back to his homeland last week.

The Home Office said that it could not comment on claims that Mr Mubenga had been restrained before his death.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Despite the pain, Jimmy Mubenga didn`t died from natural cause...

Since the declaration by an unnamed Home Office spokesman on the 12th October that  < "We can confirm that a detainee was taken ill on a flight preparing to depart from the UK. Paramedics were called and he was taken to hospital where he died."The matter is being investigated by the police and the prisons and probation ombudsman."..> nothing has been said regarding the police investigation procedure.

6 days after the sudden and violent death of Jimmy on board the BA 77 flight , family and friends are still anxious  to learn the news from the Police investigation and the Home Office statement. The anger is growing inside late asylum seeker family here and back home in Angola.

Jimmy widow and children are still waiting anxiously for the conclusion of the police investigation and a medical report from the public official responsible for the investigation of a sudden or suspicious death. From many calls and conversations added on the phone by late jimmy friends who are still detainees in Colnbrook Immigration removal centre, Dover Immigration removal centre and Brook house, there is a collective reply.

46 year-old Jimmy was a strong and healthy man and has never had any problem that needed a nurse of a doctor intervention and also had no sign of self-harm, according to his cellmate from Colnbrook immigration removal centre, Sylvester Davies.

 He has spent lot of his time going to the gym and playing football with other detainees in the immigration reception or removal centre. He also spoke everyday on the phone to his wife and children and many of the detainees know his wife name and children manes as well.

In his cell he has lot of  pictures of his family here in the UK. Nearly a week now the police investigation still ongoing and there is no perspective of having the news later this week as the country is on the edge of national strike when the Chancellor George Osborne will deliver a spending review that will define the political and fiscal landscape for many years to come.

Around the immigration removal and reception centres where Jimmy was held in the last months, detainees are now organising themselves to hold vigils and strikes in order to raise awareness about the treatment that some detainees received by the security company guards when they are under escort for deportation.

Many detainees at Colnbrook immigration removal centre said that, they will not be surprised in case the police investigation and the coroner one come to conclusion that Jimmy Mubenga death was from a natural cause due to an irregular heartbeat.

The death of Jimmy will spark protests and possible riots around UK immigration removal centres this time again. Jimmy`s wife is worried about the cover up by the Home Office not to reveal the truth about the death of her husband in that BA 77 flight. She said that what happened to his husband in that flight BA 77  is horrific and inhumane

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Cameroun: Un nouveau rapport denonce l`inefficacite de la politique de lutte contre la corruption

Pres de 4 ans apres la signature, le 11 Mars 2006 par Paul Biya du  decret portant creation, organisation et fonctionnement de la commission nationale anti- corruption, la pauvrete, et la corruption restent a des niveaux tres eleves tant au sein de l`administration centrale qu`a travers les differents departements ministeriels concernes par la gestion des marches publiques, selon un rapport parlementaire redige par 7 deputes anglais, rendu public dans l`apres-midi du mercredi 13 octobre.

 Depuis la signature du decret du 11 mars 2006 portant fonctionnement de la commission nationale de lutte contre la corruption ou anti-corruption , decret qui dissout aussi l`observatoire national de lutte contre la corruption, les ecarts en terme d`acces au service public,

aux concours de recrutement a la fonction publique, a la passation des marches publics et aux offres public d`achat ne se sont pas reduits dans les departements ministeriels concernes, ou selon les parlementaires ayant fait le deplacement au cameroun, l`administration de Biya reste impuissante..

Le rapporteur de la mission devant les membres de la commission conjointe parlemataire

Les rapporteurs denoncent une deficience structurelle de l`Etat. La commission qui a le pouvoir executif mais pas legislatif d`ouvrir les informations judiciaires sur tous les cas de corruption averes qui seraient rapportes a son attention, bute sur une disposition juridique, celle qui ne la permet pas d`interpeller par exemple un membre du gouvernement soupconne ou implique dans une affaire de corruption sans avoir obtenu au prealable l`autorisation du chef du gouvernement ni meme celle du secretaire general de la presidence de la Republique.

L`information judiciaire peut-etre peut-etre stoppee sur decision du premier ministre ou du secretaire general de la presidence sans l`application  d`une procedure juridique. La commission selon les rapporteurs est tres limitee dans son fonctionnement.

En d`autre terme la commission reste et demeure inefficace face a une pression qui viendrait soit des services du premier ministere ou ceux du secretariat general de la presidence de la Republique.

Reduite dans son action de controle , elle ne peut meme pas evaluer le travail effectue par les multiples commissions de passation de marches publiques, qui elles sont placees sous l`autorite des ministres de tutelle et qui rendent compte, si c`est juge necessaire au premier ministre chef du gouvernement.

Un fonctionnement qui,  selon les deputes,  cree des multiples poches administratives qui favorisent la corruption a tous les niveaux de la chaine de passation des marches publiques.

Les deputes denoncent ici un vide juridique sur les capacites reelles de fonctionnement de la commission, et aussi une faible possibilite de pratiquer des saisies conservatoires pour les avoirs des personnes mises en examen dans les affaires de corruption.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Cameroon is moving further away from democracy toward a totalitarian state

According to the US department of State, Cameroon is a state dominated by a strong presidency and backed by the leaders of armed forces and the Cameroon People  Democratic movement, that is in power since the creation in 1985. 
And this is the Cameroon that is going to have presidential election next year.The 2007 legislative and municipal elections had significant deficiencies in the electoral process, including barriers to registration and inadequate safeguards against fraudulent voting, according to international and domestic observers. 

Three years after that there is no change and things still the same. Opposition parties are struggling with the authorities  to register their members and to have even the ID card. Opposition leaders in Cameroon often face difficulties to hold public meetings. Authorities sometimes refused to grant permission to hold rallies and meetings.The most ridiculous thing in this is that, after 49 years, authorities in Cameroon are still afraid of the Southern Cameroon National Council.
Will Biya really want a power-sharing

The government considered the SCNC illegal because it advocates secession and had never registered as a political party or organization.

During the year security forces primitively arrested approximately 102 leaders, members, and supporters of the SCNC to prevent them from participating in unauthorized political meetings.

For example, on February 23, security forces in Mutenguene, South West Region, arrested 25 SCNC activists gathered in the residence of one of their national leaders. Security forces later released them.
On March 21, Bamenda police, North West Region, arrested approximately 70 SCNC activists who were meeting to discuss the UN's demarcation of the Cameroon-Nigeria border. The police released them the following day without charges.
In accordance with provisions of the 2008 penal code, officials released, pending trial, individuals who were detained for participating in illegal gatherings of the SCNC.

During the year police put the houses of Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) officials and activists under surveillance, searched the houses of some SCNC leaders, and disrupted SCNC meetings in private residences.

In October, in response to a 2003 complaint filed by the SCNC, the African Union Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights acknowledged serious human rights violations committed

 by the government against secessionist anglophones, while at the same time dismissing anglophone secessionism.

An administrative authority may authorize police to conduct neighborhood sweeps without warrants.

Such sweeps at times involved forced entry into homes in search of suspected criminals or stolen or illegal goods. Security forces sometimes sealed off a neighborhood, systematically searched homes, arrested persons, sometimes arbitrarily, and seized suspicious or illegal articles.

In February and March security forces conducted street sweeps in the Douala neighborhoods of Akwa and Bonandjo and arrested dozens of suspects.

 While security forces subsequently released some, others were kept and transferred to the prosecutor's office on various charges including theft, aggression, and evasion. Some of the recovered stolen items included electronics and cell phones. And this would not stop now and will even worsening in the next coming months.

A failed asylum seeker strangled under removal escort by G4S squad

Jimmy Mubenga,  <a now unlawful killed> failed asylum seeker from Angola was served with a removal direction from the UK to Luanda in Angola on Tuesday 12th October 2010 at 8.pm from Heathrow Airport. by the UKBA.

Unfortunately he did not make it to Luanda in Angola. He was strangled on board the BA flight on British soil where his wife and children have been granted indefinite leave to remain and are now refugees in the UK. Speaking on the phone from his detention cell at Colnbrook Immigration removal centre, Sylvester Davies a detainee from Sierra Leone who knew Jimmy, when they both were detained in Dover immigration removal centre couple of months earlier before been transferred to Colnbrook Immigration removal centre,  is categorical. He was killed by those racists people. Jimmy spent time at Colnbrook Immigration removal centre held by G4S.

He shared room with another detainee at the  D (Delta) wing at Colnbrook immigration removal centre and attended on daily basis the gym. He also converted himself from christian to Muslim and used to attend the Friday prayer in Colnbrook. So he was a fit guy and strong and healthy and has never been reported as a trouble maker. he was  a nice simple guy, Davies told me..

Jimmy was not even ill and has never fill a medical request application form to see a nurse or a doctor. One week before his removal from UK, he was moved from Colnbrook immigration removal centre that is known as the most secure removal centre in the UK to Harmondsworth, that is in a prime location adjacent to Heathrow Airport and neighbour to Colnbrook. In Colnbrook Immigration removal centre,

Jimmy was first accommodated in the long term holding facility and then was moved to the short term holding facility where you have less freedom and movement  prior to his transfer to Harmondsworth, that is held by GEO, private security company, and then to the UKBA holding facility at Heathrow Airport.

Normally the day of your removal from the UK, you have to go through the discharge process that takes around 30-45 minutes to complete

You have to sign some paperwork and then being searched by the UKBA escort team or the G4S, custody detainee officers on duty  and then taken to the van to the Airport.

 The first stop after leaving the immigration removal centre is the baggage search and scan area where your luggage and what ever the escort has with them are being scanned and searched for improvised devise and then you make the way to the Airport.

There at the Airport, there is another security check for everyone in the van and the escort team as well and then after that, the escort team will pass your file to the UKBA in place at the holding facility where you meet with those who are going to escort you to the plane.

But before boarding the plane you have to sign again some paperwork agreeing that you understand the procedure of your removal from the UK under the immigration acts or law.

At this point sometime detainee who has nothing to lose again except their life can or normally change the behaviour. Some just stay calm and undergo the process. Here, away from the CCTV recording, escort team used to abuse detainees, call them names and even use physical force to restrain those who are trying to avoid been taken or put forcibly in a plane..

There are many reports to confirm that. The Home Office`s deportation policy has proved highly controversial. A detainee cannot be taken on a plane if is ill. At Colnbrook Immigration removal centre or at Harmondsworth and  Brook House there is a 24 hours medical care provided on site by means of a special medical centre.

But according to the UKBA statement, Jimmy was taken ill on a flight. They never ever take someone on board who is ill as he might have a medical report saying that he is not fit for travel. But Jimmy was fit and healthy and strong.

But according to the Guardian.co.uk interview, one of the passenger on board the BA77 said <Another passenger, Andrew, 44, from eastern Europe, said he noticed "two big guys pushing something with the weight of their bodies against the seats in the last row".> This will explain and confirm that Jimmy was strangled by the escort guard supposed to assist him while he was being deported back to Luanda in Angola.

This is a breach of his human rights and his right to health was then denied if this is the case. There are report saying that he was restrained by the strong men of the escort team and then died of suffocation where an excessive force was used against him.

This is another UKBA deportation`squad smudge. Police have launched an investigation and nobody at the moment is under arrest. The death of Jimmy must be treated as murder and those responsible should face and stand trial and justice.

More than £15.000 it believed, were spent for the removal of Jimmy Mubenga from the UK to Luanda in Angola. Now the UK government will have to spent again lot of money to send the dead body of late Jimmy back to Angola, which now will include diplomatic negotiations between the two country and with the family here and those back home.

The escort team is formed by a specialised black and minorities people who have been granted any sort of leave to remain in the country long time ago and now working with the UKBA to do the dirty and well paid job to kick out failed asylum seekers.

 And to do the job you must have a huge hatred against foreigners and specially black people...Damian Green now has to explain why this happened..

Thursday, 14 October 2010

The untold truth about the illusory democracy in cameroon

Cameroon is preparing itself  to host, in October 2011  the next crucial presidential elections even the results are already known. The results are already known because of the weakness and the disappearance of the mainstream opposition parties and the disappointment surrounding the management of these opposition parties by theirs leaders. 

Those leaders have never accepted to use the ballot vote as a test for their presidency. None of the mainstream opposition parties  leaders in Cameroon had openly decided to go for a confidence vote by his members. They all act and behave like Paul Biya within the Cameroon People Democratic Movement (CPDM).

Could John Fru Ndi make the last move?
The Social Democratic Front of Ni John Fru Ndi has never had an election to chose another leader who can succeed him, even there are more and more courageous and serious candidates in the party who might do the job.

Mainstream opposition parties leaders have felt the confidence vote and are not yet ready to stand down to encourage others to take over the control of the party.
With now a population of more than 19 millions in Cameroon and with only around  between 10 and 13 millions eligible to vote if registered on time, the (CPDM) might already have almost more than 6 millions yes vote according to unchecked officials information and records from the Home Office and the rest to be shared between the opposition parties. 

Bello Bouba Maigari from the (UNDP) , Adamou Ndam Njoya from the (UDC) , Augustin Frederick Kodock from one branch of the (UPC) , Issa Tchirouma Bakari, and many more worked as Biya government ministers and were sacked after losing regional elections in their own constituencies long time ago. 

And now are sitting on the back benches in the Parliament with some even sitting  on the front bench of the opposition.
Fru Ndi here is the only mainstream leader who has never ever worked for Biya administration and his the one who, 13 years ago would have been elected as president to take over Biya leadership. The real problem is that he is not yet ready to deal with those who worked for Biya before and who are in the opposition now. He wants to deal with those who can just assist him in winning the election and then must have to wait to share the power.   
Biya administration has a huge mechanism  to bribe opponents in order to self-destroy each others. Behind the political scene in Cameroon there are Britain, France, USA, Canada, China, Russia, Japan, Italy, Israel, etc.. are hoping to see a new leader emerging from the next presidential election. Diplomatically they can not express themselves publicly and share their views because of the diplomatic cooperation clause that bide their country and Cameroon. 
Elections are undoubtedly synonymous with democracy. And democracy is undoubtedly  synonymous with press freedom ,freedom of information and expression freedom .
Unfortunately in Cameroon under Biya administration, it would take much more than a regional election or a presidential election  to ensure democracy is an ongoing success. 
Elections are both technical and political, and a good working democracy requires a fine balance of both. In Cameroon that balance does not exist and it is more political than technical.A technically sound election will not have a successful outcome if political turmoil exists, while political goodwill is not necessarily the precursor to success either. 
Technical assistance that takes into account the full electoral process is critical. The national constitution provides the foundations for any electoral system. If this fails to support the democratic imperatives attached to an election then the whole process is likely to suffer.
Paul Biya has changed the national constitution in order to regain control over the power and seize it with the help of his war council of leaders of the armed forces. 
The next step is to secure an electoral management body (EMB). This is generally made up of individuals from a variety of political, ethnic, and regional affiliations. 
For instance, the inclusion of women, civil society representatives and members of faith-based groups  will give  the EMB a suitable level of independence. 
There have been calls for an internationally accepted system of electoral certification of EMB’s, as a means of improving electoral administration.
The concern here is that a ‘one size fits all’ system will not take into account the different contexts and cultural realities of countries and their people. France, Britain and USA are funding program in Cameroon to improve the independence  function of that electoral management body and the total independence of the judiciary system as well. .

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The hidden truth of the Black History month in the UK

October in the UK is a month celebrating the UK`s African and Caribbeans heritage. The Black History month. A full month of activities arranged and funded by the government, local government  and some charities and volunteers donors.

There are always around the country where there are a presence of black and Caribbeans population activities such as workshops, exhibitions, movies, black film festival, music and drama.. This year Ms Diane Abbott, Archbishop John Sentamu and late Michael Jackson have been chosen as icon for the black and Caribbean people living in some areas in London.

But during this month, people often do not want to raise awareness or even acknowledge the fact that there are a huge number of black and Caribbean population in all the UK BA immigration removal and deportation and prisons centres in the UK. There are been considered during the celebration of the African and Caribbean heritage.  Diane Abbott who is an Mp and represent his own constituent has not yet take or have  time to visit these immigration reporting and removal centres.

There are record that she raises the case at the House of Commons regarding a crowing number of blacks in prisons .According to Randeep Ramseh from the Guardian, <.....The proportion of black people in prison in England and Wales is higher than in the United States, a landmark report released today by the Equality and Human Rights Commission reveals.

The commission's first triennial report into the subject, How Fair is Britain, shows that the proportion of people of African-Caribbean and African descent incarcerated here is almost seven times greater to their share of the population. In the United States, the proportion of black prisoners to population is about four times greater.

The report, which aims to set out how to measure "fairness" in Britain, says that ethnic minorities are "substantially over-represented in the custodial system". It suggests many of those jailed have "mental health issues, learning disabilities, have been in care or experienced abuse".Experts and politicians said over-representation of black men was a result of decades of racial prejudice in the criminal justice system and an overly punitive approach to penal affairs.

"People will be and should be shocked by this data," said Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust. "We have a tendency to say we are better than the US, but we have not got prison right." Lyon said that although there had been "numerous efforts to address racism in the prison system Š we have yet to get a better relationship between justice authorities and black communities.

Instead we have ended up with mistrust breeding mistrust."Evidence of this damaged relationship can be found in the commission's report. On the streets, black people were subjected to what the report describes as an "excess" of 145,000 stop and searches in 2008. It notes that black people constitute less than 3% of the population, yet made up 15% of people stopped by police.

The commission found that five times more black people than white people per head of population in England and Wales are imprisoned. The ethnic minority prison population has doubled in a decade - from 11,332 in 1998 to 22,421 in 2008. Over a similar period, the overall number of prisoners rose by less than two thirds.

The commission says that the total number of people behind bars accelerated in the last decade despite "a similar number of crimes being reported to the police as in the early 1990s Š the volume of indictable offences has fallen over this time".A quarter of the people in prison are from an ethnic minority.

Muslims now make up 12% of the prison population in England and Wales.Some on the left of the Labour party blame its policies while in power. Diane Abbott, who raised the alarm over the growing numbers of jailed black men as a backbencher, said she "very much regretted that the last Labour government swallowed [former home secretary] Michael Howard's line that 'prison works'.

""There was never a serious examination of the consequences of locking up a generation of young black men. The result is there are some prisons in the south east which are now virtually all black. Many are converting to Islam.

"The problems may start at school. The commission points out that black children are three times as likely to be permanently excluded from education."We are reaping the effects of criminalising a community in the 1970s," says Ben Bowling, professor of criminal justice at Kings College London and a former adviser to the home affairs select committee.

"The question is how you break the cycle when young men experience custody. Three quarters simply re-offend. We have to intervene with families more effectively to stop kids going to prison. That means looking at school exclusions. You need to deal with issues like mental health and substance abuse. It is not enough to throw our hands in the air.

"The policies implemented in the last decade mean incarceration levels in Britain are now among the highest in western Europe. England and Wales have an imprisonment rate of 155 per 100,000 and Scotland of 149 per 100,000 of the population. This contrasts with rates of less than 100 per 100,000 for most of Britain's neighbours.

Instead of celebrating, performing African and Caribbean dances, playing football or signing like ancestors in front of masters,  the bravura of the death,  it is time now to reflect on and to talk about now about how  to reduce the growing number of blacks in detention and prison centres in the UK.

Chomage: les chiffres de l`echec de la strategie economique de Biya

Les mauvaises donnees  du chomage au cameroun nourrissent les critiques les plus dures et aggressives contre la strategie du programme economique, social et culturel de l`administration Biya.

Depuis 1997, le gouvernement n`a jamais mis a la disposition des medias des chiffres credibles sur le taux du chomage. L`operateur technique officiel, dont l`une des  missions essentielles est la publication des donnees sur le chomage n`arrive toujours pas a se mettre d`accord  avec les autorites sur la diffusion des donnees sur le chomage et l`emploi.

La tutelle qu`est le ministere du travail et de la prevoyance sociale n`a jamais accordee du credit officiel a la publication des donnees par le Fonds National de l`Emploi. Une situation conflictuelle qui a souvent suscite l`arbitrage du premier ministre, en sa qualite de chef du gouvernement.

 Camille Moute a Bidias, directeur general du FNE a souvent ete pris pour un subversif et un irrespectueux s`il ose porter une critique quant a la position de la tutelle par rapport a une declaration sur le taux du chomage ou l`emploi sans etre consulte au prealable.

 Les chiffres couples du chomage et de l`emploi au cameroun aujourd`hui tombent mauvais, et meme tres mauvais. Avec une absence des critiques de la part de l`opposition qui siege a l`Assemblee Nationale, le gouvernement ne peut que se frotter les mains en guise de victoire sur le debat.

 Et meme certaines  organisations du systeme des Nationa Unies presentes au cameroun evitent de s`engager dans la polemique sur la publication des chiffres et autres donnees sur le chomage et l`emploi.

 Dans son discours de fin d`annee en 2009, Biya a promis la creation de pres de 200 000 emplois avec le demarrage des travaux d`exploitation du rutile de la ville d`Akonlinga. Une exploitation qui aura une capacite de production de plusieurs millions de tonnes avec des recettes evaluees a pres de 100 millions de dollars sur une duree determinee.

 Or depuis la aucun contrat d`exploitation n`a ete finalise avec les societes qui ont eu a soumissionner pour le marche d`exploration et d`exploitation. Cependant le taux du chomage d`apres les recentes donnees du Fonds National de l`Emploi, de l`organisation Internationale pour le Travail et de la tutelle avoisinne entre 17.8 et pres de 25%.

Un chiffre qui a toujours ete conteste par le gouvernement. Selon les dernieres declarations du gouvernement, ce taux de chomage serait de moins de 17%.  Voici pres de 13 ans que les multiples equipes gouvernementales de Paul Biya n`ont jamais eu a publier les donnees sur le nombre d`emplois crees.

Par contre l`on a une idee approximative sur le nombre d`emplois perdus apres la periode de la devaluation du franc cfa. Quant a celle de l`atteinte par le cameroun du point d`achevement dans le cadre de l`initiative des pays pauvres et tres endettes ( IPPTE) et aussi avec les travaux de la construction du pipeline Tchad-Cameroun, l`on a pu avoir une estimation controversee du nombre d`emplois periodiques et temporaires crees.

 Dans cet environnement fiscie, le secteur prive camerounais continue au moins d`embaucher. Il n`existe pas de donnees reelles sur le taux du chomage du sous-emploi reel au cameroun. Pour ajouter aux difficultes et l`echec averes de l`administration de Biya sur les 13 dernieres annees, certains membres du gouvernement prennent souvent sur eux la responsabilite d`avancer des chiffres dont ils ne disposent d`aucune maitrise.

 Ils provoquent ainsi le courroux du directeur general du Fonds National de l`Emploi. La crise de l`emploi au cameroun est tendancielle et intense. La faute a qui?

Au programme economique, social et culturel de l`administration de Biya dont les multiples plans de relance depuis 1997 n`ont ni facilite l`acces au credit par les plus pauvres, ni meme donne une impulsion a l`investissement local.

 Si la discipline budgetaire s`avere etre le meilleur moyen de mener a bien une economie a une stabilite durable, elle n`est pour autant pas la chose la mieux partagee au sein de l`actuelle equipe gouvernementale de Biya.