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Thursday, 23 September 2010

IAC Taylor House in London, a bloody crowded illegal immigrants marketplace

Immigration law continues to change and expand, with the introduction every year of new legislation and judgments that affect the way the law is interpreted.

 The Immigration and Asylum Chamber or the IAC Taylor House, located at 88 Rosebery Avenue in London is now becoming one of the most crowded illegal immigrants and migrants marketplace in a building. A place where a special  public market is held. It is a real occasion at which people normally meet to buy and sell merchandise, goods or services.

 But the difference is that in that building from Monday to Friday you will find there special buyers. Buyers who are asylum seekers or illegal immigrants in the UK. Most of them are Blacks,( this is not a kind of discrimination  but just a pure and simple reality and its may be politically incorrect or even  racist to say that) what it is sound obviously right because they are there to find whether or not they will be allowed to stay in the country or not.

 Clients or sellers are appelant and the special buyer here is the respondent or the Secretary of State for the Home Department who is in reality the Home Office. . Doors open there from 8.30am everyday and you can see lots of illegal immigrants and migrants going inside the building throught the public entrance..

At the entrance there are two ways to get in to the lift to access the main hall . Representatives, solicitors and interpreters are not using the same gate to get in. You have to be search for security reason and then show the lift to the second floor where you find a reception and more than 20 court rooms.

There you are directed where your court hearing will be held and then shown a place to wait until it is 10.00 am, the beginning of the legal show in the building. Everyone is advised to be there in the court room before 20 minutes to 10 even. In the building, I found that it was just 5 minutes to 10 and not as advised, then a lady Clerc came to open the door and called everyone who has a court hearing in the designated room.

In the reception hall, it is quite amazing and distressful to see so many asylum seekers and illegal immigrants there waiting for their representatives. Surprise for some, it is the first time that they will have the opportunity to put a face on the person that they used to speak on the phone miles away.

I saw solicitors and  lawyers looking for  their clients and even passing them without knowingthat they were seating just right there in front of them. Taylor House is a huge marketplace where lawyers are just there to show their skills and buy not goods but luck from the immigration independent judge against the Home Office presenting  officer from the Angel Square Unit.

Those guys are there to sell their service and to show that the money they received is worth getting it from clients. Interpreters have their own room where they can offer their advice and interpret for clients. But clients here are called appellant.

I witnessed the disrespectful behaviour of secretary of State represented by  the Home Office. Mona Shah, the Home Office representative for the hearing of bail renewal and variation came after ten in the court room when she was supposed to be in there at 10.00am.

 The Home Office always want people under immigration control and condition to stick to the time, but they do not themselves do what they preach. Peter Levins had to wait for the secretary of state representative to come before starting the procedure.

 Outside people who have not been inside that building can not imagine that the fate of many illegal immigrants is being decided in that 88 Rosebery Avenue building...

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