The move is a blow to the Home Office efforts and his unappalled decision to remove from Britain an investigative journalist. Journalists, friends, student-jounalists, photographs and others union members gathered on Thursday morning in front of the Royal Courts of Justice at Strand in support of an nuj member facing removal from Britain.The case was heard in court 2.
Mrs Justice Rafferty with a face wreathed in smile entered the court room 5 minutes late after the half ten time that has been sent out as the time that the court will be in session. She came up fresh and smiling and opened the debate. In just less than 10 minutes the case was resolved.
An adjournment was agreed today, Thursday 7 October, in court between the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the journalist, active member of the National Union of Journalists. The court gave the National Union of Journalists 6 weeks to supply any further documentation to be considered on behalf their member to the Secretary of State for Home Department here represented by the Home Office.
The secretary of State for Hom Department was also given 6 weeks to provide to the court a digestive response. And when all these documentation and evidence will be gathered and the court been in position of all the relevant information, evidence or submissions, the case will then be heard in court.
With the 12 weeks given to both parties, it is possible that luckly it could happen in January 2011. The Nuj legal team and the journalist lawyer will then with all evidence prepare and lodge the final written submissions.
Systematically all the previous representations or submissions lodged on behalf the journalist to the Home Office have been refused by immigration officers based at 200 Brand Street, Festival Court in Glasgow. The Home Office`s final decisions are due to be sent in the next 6 or less than 5 weeks.
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