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Thursday, 18 August 2011

Acho Muna in pledge to stop Biya`s regime

Bernard Acho Muna since the 28th  of May 2011 has vowed to block Biya plans to run again for president in Cameroon deepening a bitter row within the divided opposition coalition. 

He portrayed himself as the Cameroon Nelson Mandela who came in power and just complete one term in the office after been released from prison. Mandela is 20 years older than him and taking his credentials for a campaign in a country like Cameroon where now more and more are hoping for a younger head of state rather than another " old man" in power could be complicated for his campaign team.

 But Bernard has never been a political prisoner in Cameroon and even detained for his views as well. 72 year old Barrister in law and former Deputy Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and also former president of the Cameroon Bar association said  the ruling party ( CPDM) has used the political machine of the one party state to deny Cameroon a genuinely free society underpinned by free and fair elections, the respect of all aspects of human rights and an independent judiciary..

His comments came after the launch of his website campaign where the team is looking for donation in order to run the campaign and produce the campaign material. 

Son of the former Cameroon speaker of the House under the former ruling single party Cameroon National Union, Salomon Tandeng Muna, the barrister in law promised if elected as president of Cameroon, to draw up a new constitution and carry out needed reforms in the administration of the nation and taking in consideration the specificities of the multi-ethnic-tribal-cultural society that Cameroon is. 

According to him such constitution which shall be adopted by the people by way of referendum shall specifically contain a provision that shall oblige any change or amendment of constitution to be equally effected by way of another referendum.

There is no plan or intention of nationalize industries or companies that are operated in the country also no information about where the money for this plan will come from. Will he renegotiate all the previous agreements signed by the constitutional outgoing president and his government, there is no sign of answers for this questions.

If elected the former Deputy Chief Prosecutor will lead a government of transition for a period of single term of office during a period of five year and shall not seek re-election or to renew his hold of office as president of the Republic of Cameroon

Acho Muna has a plan and the question is when are we going to see this really implemented in the country where there is lack of indication on where the money will come from or even where and how the government under him will create financial gain to motivate the country economic and financial system .For the moment there is no information about how many political parties have endorsed his candidacy for the presidential election.

And also the political process and vision of his party are totally different from the main " anglophone" or English speaking leading political parties in Cameroon with the Social Democratic Front and the Southern Cameroon National Council who are fighting for the division between the British Cameroon and the French Cameroon.

This is just the beginning of a huge interesting political battle in Cameroon where the game has already been played behind closed doors..

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