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Thursday, 4 November 2010

Will this new Anglo-French military accord boost the change of management in cameroon ?

On Tuesday, November 2 in Lancaster House, President Sarkozy and David Cameron signed an agreement under which France and Britain will pool their military capabilities.

From the political view, this new alliance is presented by both governments as a signal of the strength of the bilateral relationship. It is true that this agreement will have its immediate military impact in Cameroon also ahead of the next presidential election as both countries have huge economic and military interests.

 France has a military base in the Northern region of Cameroon and Britain has his military strategic advisors working closely under the supervision of  Israelis military advisors who especially monitor presidential security. This Anglo-French military co-operation can be read in a different way.

Cameroon might receive new military materials and equipment that will increase  the country military capacity security. But for what by this time of the year as the country is not engaged in any war with any country at the moment even there are news about an organized plot coming from the Northern region where France has his military base. With Nigeria there is no real movement at the moment.

 New contracts to be signed and renewal of old ones will be on the agenda of the next joint committee France-Cameroon. If the economy is partially stabilised in Cameroon for the moment according to new reports from the International Monetary Funds and the World Bank and needed some improvement, the military agreement between France and Britain could be interpreted as an attempt by old powers to prop each up in straitened times and diffuse their differences of view and interests in Cameroon and also boost the political environment and affairs.

 Both countries have huge impact on political affairs and how the actual government is conducting business in Cameroon. Interested in a different way in Cameroon, Washington is also being closely monitored the Anglo-French alliance as a sign of the hard economic choices.

The two countries have massive interests in Cameroon with different view on how the country deals with its internal affairs. Where Britain is watching closely the monitoring of efforts to fight corruption and reduce abuses on Human Rights issue, governance and accountability, France will focus only on business and exploitation of natural resources.

Both countries have different approach on political issues for an independent state in Cameroon and also act in what they see as their strategic interests. Britain is in favor of a real power sharing that suits people aspiration while, France is for the arrival of a new deal in Cameroon with new people to take over the old regime without losing their interests and destroy what they have achieved after a long period of struggle for democracy .

Could this new Anglo-French military treaty bring the change that is needed in Cameroon where the military totally is in support of Biya`s regime ? At this time it is not easy to speculate on how the new defence deal signed between France and Britain will have a direct impact on political affairs in Cameroon and how effectively both countries will act to boost that change of management so needed by those who love to see Cameroon becoming an emergent economic country in the region and around Africa and the world.

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