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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Scnc: Can Britain back the secession intention or will of the British-Cameroon?

1st October 1961-1st October 2010. 49 years now activists from the Southern cameroon are still fighting against the forcibly annexation of the british cameroon to the french cameroon. 

This year  in London, a group that describes itself  as a  < self determination organisation>  which is seeking the Independence (---?) of the anglophone Southern Cameroon from the francophone of the La Republique du Cameroun will hand a signed number of petitions to David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party and Prime minister in support of the call to back the secession of the anglophone or the so called british cameroon from the french cameroon.

One of the leader of that group, Paulette Mengnjo, acting chairperson speaking to me on the phone earlier , explained that they are calling to people who love cameroon and support  the idea of secession to come in numbers on Friday October 1st  in front of No 10 Downing Street to witness the history when they will hand petitions to the Prime minister.

That petition is a call for secession of the british cameroon from the french cameroon. At the moment it is difficult to know if there have been a kind of referendum to determine exactly the will of the people from the Southern cameroon.

What is real is that there will be some activists in town on Friday to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the idea what  some of the founding fathers have left their life on the field of the fight and struggle against the dictatorial government of the La Republique du cameroun.

Paulette and her colleagues are still trying to put the final touch on the programme. It is difficult to say who exactly will be there at No10 to receive the petition that its calling for the secession of the southern cameroon. How many are there in that group that the cameroonian government through his embassy in London is monitoring the movement and activities of that goup around the country?

Even the chairperson was not able to give that number and has expected the propaganda person to give the number. Another curiosity of that celebration is whether there will be a message from the acting chair or vice chair of the Southern Cameroon National Council.

Dr Nfor Ngala Nfor, national vice chair of the Scnc has not yet confirmed that it will be possible. But what it is already known by some is the programme that the scnc will try to put in place during the next coming year.

And for that, activists who are based in Us, Geneva, Norway, and most of them in the Uk believe that Britain has a huge responsibility on that intention of withdrawal the former part of the cameroon from the rest of the country.

Dr Nfor Ngala Nfor said in an interview with Francis Ngwa, that the secession of the british cameroon from the french cameroon is just now a matter of time, as people still have in their memories the collapse of the Berlin wall.

Comparing Cameroon to Germany would not necessary help bring on the table of the negociations the historic signed agreement between leaders of the southern cameroon and the northern cameroon.

On the ground away from London, the scnc now have challengers on the way they want to divide the country. Ambazonia, Scapo have different ideas and intention and all proclaim to speak on behalf the southern cameroon people. Chief Ayamba pictured down has been one fo the leader in the fight of the recognisance of the Southern cameroon as a free and an independent region in cameroon from the La Republique..

The Social Democratic Front, the leading opposition party in cameroon whose leader is from the southern cameroon has never speak about the secession or the independence of that part of the country.

 Today and after 49 years, has time come for Britain to back the secession of the southern cameroon or just decide once again  to send back both brothers and sisters from the same country ( Cameroon-Cameroun) to the negociation table and find out what is or will be best for the country. But these activists are impatient and very angry because they have been abused and lied to for long.

For the moment David Cameron as a Prime Minister is facing a huge and first national demonstration or strike by the Unions over the cuts and losts of jobs in the Uk. Will he find time to look at the secession idea, intention or will of the scnc activists ?

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