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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Scnc: Can Britain back the secession intention or will of the British-Cameroon?

1st October 1961-1st October 2010. 49 years now activists from the Southern cameroon are still fighting against the forcibly annexation of the british cameroon to the french cameroon. 

This year  in London, a group that describes itself  as a  < self determination organisation>  which is seeking the Independence (---?) of the anglophone Southern Cameroon from the francophone of the La Republique du Cameroun will hand a signed number of petitions to David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party and Prime minister in support of the call to back the secession of the anglophone or the so called british cameroon from the french cameroon.

One of the leader of that group, Paulette Mengnjo, acting chairperson speaking to me on the phone earlier , explained that they are calling to people who love cameroon and support  the idea of secession to come in numbers on Friday October 1st  in front of No 10 Downing Street to witness the history when they will hand petitions to the Prime minister.

That petition is a call for secession of the british cameroon from the french cameroon. At the moment it is difficult to know if there have been a kind of referendum to determine exactly the will of the people from the Southern cameroon.

What is real is that there will be some activists in town on Friday to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the idea what  some of the founding fathers have left their life on the field of the fight and struggle against the dictatorial government of the La Republique du cameroun.

Paulette and her colleagues are still trying to put the final touch on the programme. It is difficult to say who exactly will be there at No10 to receive the petition that its calling for the secession of the southern cameroon. How many are there in that group that the cameroonian government through his embassy in London is monitoring the movement and activities of that goup around the country?

Even the chairperson was not able to give that number and has expected the propaganda person to give the number. Another curiosity of that celebration is whether there will be a message from the acting chair or vice chair of the Southern Cameroon National Council.

Dr Nfor Ngala Nfor, national vice chair of the Scnc has not yet confirmed that it will be possible. But what it is already known by some is the programme that the scnc will try to put in place during the next coming year.

And for that, activists who are based in Us, Geneva, Norway, and most of them in the Uk believe that Britain has a huge responsibility on that intention of withdrawal the former part of the cameroon from the rest of the country.

Dr Nfor Ngala Nfor said in an interview with Francis Ngwa, that the secession of the british cameroon from the french cameroon is just now a matter of time, as people still have in their memories the collapse of the Berlin wall.

Comparing Cameroon to Germany would not necessary help bring on the table of the negociations the historic signed agreement between leaders of the southern cameroon and the northern cameroon.

On the ground away from London, the scnc now have challengers on the way they want to divide the country. Ambazonia, Scapo have different ideas and intention and all proclaim to speak on behalf the southern cameroon people. Chief Ayamba pictured down has been one fo the leader in the fight of the recognisance of the Southern cameroon as a free and an independent region in cameroon from the La Republique..

The Social Democratic Front, the leading opposition party in cameroon whose leader is from the southern cameroon has never speak about the secession or the independence of that part of the country.

 Today and after 49 years, has time come for Britain to back the secession of the southern cameroon or just decide once again  to send back both brothers and sisters from the same country ( Cameroon-Cameroun) to the negociation table and find out what is or will be best for the country. But these activists are impatient and very angry because they have been abused and lied to for long.

For the moment David Cameron as a Prime Minister is facing a huge and first national demonstration or strike by the Unions over the cuts and losts of jobs in the Uk. Will he find time to look at the secession idea, intention or will of the scnc activists ?

Sunday, 26 September 2010

The NUT sticks with the NUJ to save a journalist from deportation

Hundreds have joined since June 29th one of the Nuj many successful campaigns, againts the deportation from the UK of one of his asylum seeker member a cameroonian journalist by the UKBA, The national Union of Teachers backs the campaign call by the Nuj to keep Charles in the Uk and to be granted leave to remain as a refugee.

The Nut joined the campaign in a situation where the Con Dem government is determined to slash the so-called deficit in record time, destroying public services along the way. Make no mistake this is an ideological attack on the public sector and all workers and users of public sector services and remember that the rich often do not use or need public sector services.

The NUT sticks with the Nuj to ask the Home Secretary Theresa May and her colleague Damian Green from the Home Office to review the case and the decision of the asylum application for Charles even the case is now in High Court of Justice in London.

 The initiative from the Nuj in June was taken up by the online democracy campaign coordinated by the communication and campaign department of the Nuj office in London.

By sticking with the Nuj, the Nut belives that the financial crisis was caused by bankers and politicians, not workers. Its the bankers and the rich who should pay the price. There should be no cuts made on working class people`s job, conditions and services. we should not pay for the bankers`crisis, warned the Nut.

The government should be creating jobs and investing in a sustainable rather than spending millions of pounds trying to deport those who have brought enough and huge change in the community by doing the voluntary work and already involved inside the so called  < Big society> by David Cameron,

 and millions and even billions could be found by scrapping that non sense Home office huge programme of deporting genuine asylum seekers and no criminal offences record holders from the Uk.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Can European nations give up seats on the board of the IMF?

By saying in a personal capacity   that European countries must give up seats on the board of the International Monetary Fund if the institution is to remain credible, Paulo Nogueira Batista who represents Brazil and eight other countries on the fund`s executive board took the lead here to warn his colleagues and the rest of the world.

 Correcting the over-representation of Europe in the fund executive board has to and must be the natural way to make the International Monetary Fund more representative of the global economy. Laurean W Rutayisire from Rwanda and Kossi Assimikidou from Togo who represent 23 African countries and Samuel Itam from Sierra Leone with Moeketsi Majoro from Lesotho who represent the other 20 African countries should joint voices with the Brazilian representative at the IMF.

The financial institution is changing and has to move for the better in the right direction despite the scope of its development challenges.

Paulo just want words and intention to be put in practice. In a letter sending to the Financial Times, he wrote, < advanced countries talk loftily of shifting power to emerging markets, but we now need more than speeches and noble declarations....>  He thinks that europeans will drag their feet to put in act what they promised long time ago.

 His views are shared by officials from emerging markets who have long complained that the IMF is dominated by Europe and the US. By convention The International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to foster international monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.

Created in 1945, the IMF is governed by and accountable to the 187 countries that make up its near-global membership. and European countries appoint the managing director of the IMF. 

Debate on IMF reform has been forced by a procedural manoeuvre undertaken by the US last month, in which it declined to re-elect the 24 member board in its current form. The move compels countries to reorganise the board before November 1.

In another hand might be the US are pushing emergent markets to play their part in a democratic way and in a world where they are allowed to decide which direction they want to go. The move might be another blow for the relationship between Us and Europe...And European nations might have to review their long-established coalitions of countries and also US to lose some power over important decision...

Could Cameroon (smes) benefit from the AGF?

If it is right to suggest that pooled aid as a way to overcome excessive fragmentation in bilateral programmes, the transparency and accountability from government in Africa and specially in Cameroon can improve the fight again corruption.

 Speaking at the Millennium Development Goals summit in New-York on Tuesday 22 September 2010, president Paul Biya of Cameroon avoid to mention that international influences in Africa are largely responsible for the non-achievement of the millennium development goals in Africa.

 By avoid saying tha he was protection his relationships with those who are responsible for the large scale of corruption that is fuelled today in Africa by American, European and Asian companies. Paul Biya just represente those who use aid fund for their own purpose and not for the interest of the population. Poverty in cameroon is still growing and the middle class citizen is struggling like the poor ones.

 But pooled ressources complemented by private capital can increase aid effectiveness, improve harmonisation and minimise transaction costs, implementing the principles agreed with the Paris Declaration. It is in that spirit that the African Development Bank, the government of Danmark and Spain are setting up an African Guarantee Fund ( AGF) for small and medium enterprises ( SMEs).

 This is a newly innovative initiative public-private parternship which will provide guarantees to financial institutions combined with technical assistance to stimulate new lending to African SMEs. It is known that small businesses play today a key role in stimulating sustainable economic growth and by the same time they are still facing huge amount of problems and barriers.

 Access to bank credit still the main barrier for the economic growth of the SMEs. Promoting the access to the external finance by the Smes is now the key priority for the community development.

As an innovative initiative, the AGF will regionalise support and pool resources in order to catalyse the private sector investment for the medium term. It will address specific market failures, complementing private credit markets.  Financial and economic additionnality will be periodically evaluated in order to increase transparency and accountability, said  Pietro Calice and Torben from the Adb

Thursday, 23 September 2010

IAC Taylor House in London, a bloody crowded illegal immigrants marketplace

Immigration law continues to change and expand, with the introduction every year of new legislation and judgments that affect the way the law is interpreted.

 The Immigration and Asylum Chamber or the IAC Taylor House, located at 88 Rosebery Avenue in London is now becoming one of the most crowded illegal immigrants and migrants marketplace in a building. A place where a special  public market is held. It is a real occasion at which people normally meet to buy and sell merchandise, goods or services.

 But the difference is that in that building from Monday to Friday you will find there special buyers. Buyers who are asylum seekers or illegal immigrants in the UK. Most of them are Blacks,( this is not a kind of discrimination  but just a pure and simple reality and its may be politically incorrect or even  racist to say that) what it is sound obviously right because they are there to find whether or not they will be allowed to stay in the country or not.

 Clients or sellers are appelant and the special buyer here is the respondent or the Secretary of State for the Home Department who is in reality the Home Office. . Doors open there from 8.30am everyday and you can see lots of illegal immigrants and migrants going inside the building throught the public entrance..

At the entrance there are two ways to get in to the lift to access the main hall . Representatives, solicitors and interpreters are not using the same gate to get in. You have to be search for security reason and then show the lift to the second floor where you find a reception and more than 20 court rooms.

There you are directed where your court hearing will be held and then shown a place to wait until it is 10.00 am, the beginning of the legal show in the building. Everyone is advised to be there in the court room before 20 minutes to 10 even. In the building, I found that it was just 5 minutes to 10 and not as advised, then a lady Clerc came to open the door and called everyone who has a court hearing in the designated room.

In the reception hall, it is quite amazing and distressful to see so many asylum seekers and illegal immigrants there waiting for their representatives. Surprise for some, it is the first time that they will have the opportunity to put a face on the person that they used to speak on the phone miles away.

I saw solicitors and  lawyers looking for  their clients and even passing them without knowingthat they were seating just right there in front of them. Taylor House is a huge marketplace where lawyers are just there to show their skills and buy not goods but luck from the immigration independent judge against the Home Office presenting  officer from the Angel Square Unit.

Those guys are there to sell their service and to show that the money they received is worth getting it from clients. Interpreters have their own room where they can offer their advice and interpret for clients. But clients here are called appellant.

I witnessed the disrespectful behaviour of secretary of State represented by  the Home Office. Mona Shah, the Home Office representative for the hearing of bail renewal and variation came after ten in the court room when she was supposed to be in there at 10.00am.

 The Home Office always want people under immigration control and condition to stick to the time, but they do not themselves do what they preach. Peter Levins had to wait for the secretary of state representative to come before starting the procedure.

 Outside people who have not been inside that building can not imagine that the fate of many illegal immigrants is being decided in that 88 Rosebery Avenue building...

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Objectifs du millenaire pour le developement: 10 ans apres , Biya confirme l`echec du Rdpc

< L`Afrique est le seul contient qui risque de ne pas atteindre les Objectifs du millenaire pour le developpement a l`echeance convenue.>.

En prenant la parole hier a la tribune des Nations Unies a New-York lors de la reunion de haut niveau sur les Objectifs du millenaire pour le developpement, dans le cadre de la 65ieme seesion de l`Assemblee Generale des Nations Unies, Paul Biya comme dans l`accoutumee a dresse un bilan critique et controverse sur la realisation des objectifs du millenaire pour le developpement.

Un bilan deja que d`autres bien avant lui ont eu a denoncer les mecansmes, la bureaucratie et les freins a la realisation de ces objecifs. Ce que Paul Biya n`a pas pu officiellement accepter devant un parterre de pres de 140 chefs d`Etat et de gouvernement, c`est l`echec quasi total de sa politique sociale et economique mise en place au cameroun depuis 2000 et qui malheureusement, le cadre de fabrication a ete concu en respect des objectifs du milleanire pour le developpement. Le programme economique, social, culturel du cameroun depuis 2000 est concu en droite ligne avec les objectifs du millenaire.

Et si des lors que le chef de l`Etat reconnait que l`Afrique en general et le Cameroun en particulier et dans une autre mesure son parti, le Rdpc, risque de ne pas atteindre les objectifs fixes a l`echeance 2015. Et deja meme que les objectifs fixes dans son programme d`action depuis les dernieres election ne sont pas toujours atteints et le niveau de realisation n`est pas celui que le president lui-meme avait espere...Des lors il ne lui reste plus que la porte de sortie..

Des pays comme la Suede, la Hollande, La Norvege le Danemark affichent des resultats plus qu`appreciables et honorables dans le respect de la realisation des objectifs du millenaire. Et dans ces pays, c`est une nouvelle vague de politiciens qui est entrain de prendre du terrain et le cameroun gagnerait a nouer des relations diplomatiques, economiques et culturelles avec ses pays pour apprendre a leur cote.

 Paul Biya a manque de demontrer le pourquoi de l`echec de son programme d`action dans le respect des objectifs du millenaire pour le developpement aus cameroun. Si d`un cote l`on peut accepter le fait qu`il y a des efforts a faire au niveau du partenariat mondial pour le developpement, ce qui implique la redefinition des  politiques de cooperation et la reecriture de certains contracts de partenariat, de l`autre il s`avere inadmissible que le cameroun ne puisse pas aujourd`hui avoir la maitrise sur la redefinition de sa politique nationale de l`acces a l`energie.

 C`est a dire a reorientation de sa politique en matiere de l`energie. Le pays s`est trop longtemps endormi sur l`eau comme premiere source d`energie, alors que l`on aurait pu penser a autre chose...Et c`est pas les moyens qui manquent au cameroun pour pousser a la reflection..avec un budget de l`Etat avoisinant les 2200 milliards de francs cfa equilibre en recettes et depenses, il ne devrait pas y avoir des problemes. Franchement.

La creation d`emplois demeure une epine dans une politique devenue amorphe et inerte. Le taux de chomage? Politiquement l`on n`en parle meme pas.

L`acces au medicament ne devrait pas etre un probleme pour un pays dont l`on ne cesse de dilapider les deniers publics. Le cameroun a tous les moyens necessaires de se placer au meme niveau de realisation des objectifs du millenaire pour le developpement comme la Norvege, et la Suede. Le tout reside dans le partage integral des ressources et l`acceptation d`une alternance dans la gestion du pays. Et pour cela, le Rdpc depuis 10 ans n`arrive pas a faire dans la difference. Et a l`approche de 2011, Paul Biya n`aura pas realise ce qu`il avait promis aux lecteurs en 2004....

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Cameroun: Le reve est-il encore permis...?

Une incompetence averee. Les multiples administrations ou gouvernements de Paul Biya etalent tous les jours leur faillite.

 La suraccumulation, l`abondance insultante des richesses de ceux-la, qui gravitent autour de l`entourage proche de Paul Biya ( civile, judiciaire, militaire, medicale, homme d`affaires...) au cameroun, s`accompagnent d`un nombre croissant de pauvres et de chomeurs ( qui se recrutent en majorite dans la categorie jeunesse, specialement des diplomes de l`enseignement secondaire et superieur..).

 La speculation d`une probable alternance au cameroun provoque une intense emulation, discussion, suspiscion et meme inquisition au sein de la classe politique nationale.

 Au cameroun, la logique du profit tout azimut qu`accumule le proche entourage de Paul Biya menace aujourd`hui la survie des generations futures.

 Et pourtant le systeme Aujoulat-Ahidjo-Biya tient bon et meme tres bon face a une opposition que les observateurs de la vie politique nationale au cameroun jugent de degringolante, fragile, mortiferee par une faiblesse des forces du changement, la pauvrete de leurs propositions et de la tiedeur de leur programme quand il en existe..

Aujourd`hui face a une dictature oppressante et presente, les luttes sociales ne peuvent  plus exploiter la pression des annees 1990,  que sa concurrence exercait jadis sur le pouvoir en place a Yaounde.

 Une bonne partie de la population aujourd`hui exclue du partage du gateau national semble orphelin d`un ideal. Ideal que longtemps le Rdpc a prone lors de ses discours de propagande.

 Leur travail ne sera pas termine lorsqu`il y aura encore au cameroun des enfants qui ne mangent pas a leur faim, des enfants qui n`ont pas acces a l`education de base gratuite et aux soins de sante primaire...Biya pour continuer cette lutte avait demande le vote des militants. Et il avait aucours des elections hautement controversees par l`opposition recu mandat des electeurs.

Force est donc de constater qu`il en existe aujourd`hui dans les recoins et coins du cameroun, des milliers d`enfants ( ref. rapports de l`Unesco, de la Fao, du Pam, des syndicats des enseignants,....)  qui ne mangent pas toujours a leur faim, qui ne font  pas l`ecole et qui ne peuvent meme pas avioir acces aux soins de sante gratuits..

Et pres de 13 ans plutard, le liberalisme communautaire prone par Paul Biya patit de l`absence d`alternative. Paul Biya aurait-il ete reelu president de la Republique du Cameroun si son challenger avait ete porteur d`un autre choix pour le Cameroun?

 Enfin, si une perspective de changement se dessinait, ceux qui sont au pouvoir et proche du parti au pouvoir parviendraient-ils sans rencontrer de force majeure a accepter un partage egal des richesses accumulees pendant le temps de l`impunite et de l`incivisme fiscale? Faut-il rever ou le reve est-il permis.....

Sunday, 19 September 2010

£5bn for illegal immigrants while the LIB Dems are looking for £7bn savings?

Honestly how much illegal immigrants are costing the newly coalition government? £2, 3, 5, 7, 8bn a year or less or more?

As we know, Britain`s finances are in a terrible state and something must be done very quickly and swiftly or within the next semester, those who hate to hear about asylum seekers or illegal immigrats and their stories will be burning their parents or their savings to stay warm and asylum seekers or illegal immigrants would be kept in these warm immigration detention centres around the country.

It`s all over and everywhere that the coalition government have decided that the problem can be solved by cutting public spending and, on the face of it and economically and financially speaking, this sounds sensible.

The News of the World on their sunday edition september 19, 2010 revealed that the Labour government ( Tony Blair and Gordon Brown) spent a staggering £5bn a year to take care of of asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and european migrants for the last ten years and that the newly coalition government is handing over more than £200 million a year to charities and local councils to care for refugees and illegal immigrants.

 There is no mention about how much refugees and those so called illegal immigrants who are working here using fake documents and paying council taxes are contributing to the economy.

It could be fair if we have that information and could the have an idea of how much really the government is spending to administer the asylum system and policy. There are some organisations working with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants around the country that have stopped working because of the spending cut and only few are still struggling to stay open..

So handing over more than £200 million a year at this time of the spending cut area would appear a bit strange and even challenging. Damian Green, the new Immigration Minister is planning a huge review of his department and it is expected cuts.

And it would be great if Damian Green could give an estimation of how many failed asylum seekers in the last three years have signed for the Assisted Voluntary Return programme and how much the government has spent tax payers money to fund that controversial programme.

If there are about £54.5million spent for the last three years to fund that programme, they should have the exact figure of how many have left country under that programme. The News of the World revealed that failed asylum seekers receive thousands of pounds to go home and buy a house or train for a job without giving an example of what they are saying.

I found some of those so called failed asylum seekers who were offered £5000 to sign for a voluntary return home and when they were taken to the Airport, there was no money there to go and the decision was to take them back to Colnbrook Immigration detention centre.

So who is using or taking all that money?  Failed asylum seekers who are under section 4 support for the immigration Act 1971 receive an equivalent of £35 voucher to live on eveny week and there are expecting a reduction as well for £5 or £10  a week.

 And there are preparations going underground to protest again these cuts. A the moment they are obliged to live on £5 a day while on the full catering accommodation supported by the National Asylum Support Service, a Home Office department in charge of asylum seekers accommodation.

 There are so many ways to save money and to improve the immigration and asylum system in the UK without facing massive demonstrations and public anger over the government unfair and antisocial spending cut...

Friday, 17 September 2010

Could the Pope meet with Theresa May?

Pope Benedict has arrived in London. Could he meet and pray with Theresa May, the Home Secretary in order to rebuild the confidence that it needed in the asylum system. There are too many politically motivated false prophets of doom in the Home Office. Because since 2006, 12 impartial commissioners conducted an independent, nationwide review of the UK`s asylum system.
 The Independent Asylum Commission ( IAC) spent two years gathering testimony from asylum seekers and so called failed asylum seekers and the public, taking evidence from experts and engaging in dialogue with the authorities.
 From the field, the UK Border Agency agrees with the IAC`s five principles for rebuilding confidence in the whole asylum system. According to theses principles, people fleeing persecution should be able to find sanctuary in safe countries like the UK. But the Home Office is still sending genuine asylum seekers back to where they flet longtime ago to come and seek sanctuary in the UK.
More are kept without judgement in immigration detention centre around the country. Colnbrook Immigration removal and detention centre is one of the worst place where failed asylum seekers are kept for ages without receive any proper and impartial trail. And 95% of staff working in these immigration reception, detention and removal centre ar all former asylum seekers, illegal immigrants  who have been granted any kind of leave to remain in the country and allowed to work..,
 Most of them are from India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Nigeria, China, Russia, Poland, and only less than 2.5% are british nationals.

The UK should have a fair and effective decision-making body that takes pride in giving sanctuary to those who need it and denies it to those who do not.
 But in reality a journalism investigation conducted my an nuj member found out that there are more here who do not need sanctuary who have been given and for that, the Home Office is always pride to say that, they do not comment on individual case when approached for comment and information.
 Hope that the Pope will receive Theresa May and discuss the issue of improving the UK asylum system. It`s still not easy for an asylum seeker to visit a friend asylum seeker who has been detained in the Home Office housing facilities at Colnbrook or Brook House.
You need to show an identification such as a driven licence or a passport. And they ( Home Office) do know that asylum seekers do not have passport and driven licence and even do not pay council tax or any bill while still in the asylum system.
 So why the Home Office has to put these restrictions to a asylum seekers who want to visit their allien friends in detention? Something has to be done in order to facilitate visit to these horrible places where asylum seekers in short term housing facilities use to take their life by committing suicide....

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Benoit xvi prone le pardon et l`amour

Pour faire oublier, durant sa visite d`Etat et historique dans le UK, la souffrance des familles dont les enfants ont ete victime des actes de pedophilie et la perte des valeurs chretiennes au sein de la societe et principalement de la famille, Benoit xvi a choisi, comme toujours, la voie de l`humilite, du pardon et de l`amour. Sur ce terrain-la, le Saint-Pere pense avoir marque quelques points dans une opinion aujourd`hui divisee...

Protestations, adminiration, euphorie collective, communion, exhortation, miracle, sont autant d`actes qui ont marque l`arrivee du pape en Ecosse. Il est arrive par la ville de Edimbourg.

Il a ete accueilli par la reine d`Angleterre dans le palais royal de Holyrood. Une grande messe a ete dite dans la soiree au parc de Bellahouston a Glasgow amenage specialement pour la circonstance.

Des milliers de chretiens et pelerins y ont pris par a cette grande communion. Comme souvent, comme toujours c`est un sondage de la BBC-Scotland qui a redonne un sourire au Pape Benoit xvi tres touche par la crise qui mine l`Eglise catholique dans le Uk.

Benoit xvi a ete informe que 14 des 22 pretres reconnus coupables de sevices sexuels sur les enfants en Angleterre et dans le Pays de Galles depuis 2001 officient encore comme membre du clerge.
Comme il est ecrit que le royaume des cieux appartient aux petits enfants, alors c`est peut-etre une benediction pour le jeune Anton McManus.

Age de 9 ans et atteint d`un cancer au niveau de la colonne vertebrale, alors qu`il avait seulement 4 ans, il a demande au pape dans une lettre a lui adressee, d`eloigner ce cancer de lui.
Anton a avoue avoir subi la radiographie et la chimiotherapie et deux operations chirurgicales pour extraire des parties du corps attaquees par la maladie.

Le jeune Anton dans sa lettre a ecrit < J`etais terriblement malade, mais je me sens de mieux en mieux bien que je peux pas faire certaines choses comme le font mes amis. Je vous ecrit pour vous demander si vous pouvez me benir quand vous viendrez chez nous pour eloigner ce cancer de moi....>
Tammy, la maman du jeune Anton a reconnu que le temoignage et la supplication de son fils est une chance sur un million.
Miracle, le jeune a ete recu en audience par le Saint-Pere. Et comme tout ce qui entoure les audiences qu`accordent Benoit xvi est tenu secret, y a aucun doute que le jeune Anton a recu la benediction souhaitee..

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Benoit xvi contre la liberte d`expression?

A quelque heures de son arrivee dans le Uk, le pape aurait exige le retrait de la delegation du cardinal allemand Walter Kasper.
Cet dernier age de 77 ans et qui officiait comme conseiller aupres du Saint-Pere a fait des declarations a la presse.
Il a affirme que le Uk aujourd`hui ressemble etrangement a un pays du Tiers-monde. <> a afirme le cardinal. Avant de poursuivre que le pays aujourd`hui affiche un record nefaste de plaintes et de negation au sein de l`Eglise catholique.
Il a evoque le cas de cette hotesse de l`air de la British Air ways, catholique qui s`etait vue exiger par sa hierarchie le retrait du port de son crucifix au risque de perdre son emploi. Cette employee avait porte plainte contre la compagnie et n`a pas encore connu l`issue de sa plainte.
Il y a aussi la fracture sociale au sein de la famille, la consommation abuive de la drogue, le viol les agressions des vieillards et la perte de la foi au sein d`une partie de la jeunesse chretienne.
Ces declarations de celui qui etait encore conseiller du saint-pere ont ete tres mal accueillies par le proche entourage de Benoit xvi et il `est vu retirer de la liste de la delegation officielle qui arrive demain. Il devait officier comme conseiller special aupres du pape durant sa visite dans le UK.
Une decision qui n`est pas du tout tres bien accueillie par certains adeptes de la liberte d`expression dans le UK, et qui se disent pret a manifester contre la violation de la liberte d`expresion par le Pape. Pour ce groupe qui s`est dit pret a porter plainte contre le pape, le cardinal a tout simplement dit la verite sur les realites du pays et de ce qui se passe dans le pays et l`on ne voit pas le pourquoi est-ce qu`il s`est vu retirer de la delegation.
Du cote du vatican l`on evoque deja un etat de sante precaire qui aurait pousse le cardinal a surseoir a sa visite dans le UK..L`on voit la grande machine de correction diplomatique qui a ete mise en place pour essayer d`etouffer une affaire qui deja fait la Une des medias dans le monde.
Et le pape va certainement repondre aux questions des journalistes concernant l`absence ou le retrait de la delegation de son conseiller special, le cardinal Kasper..

Une visite du Pape Benoit xvi sous un ciel couvert de scandales de pedophilie,condoms et un message de paix et d`amour dans le UK

Sa saintete le Pape Benoit xvi debarque demain Jeudi 16 septembre 2010 dans le UK. Une visite dont le cout de la facture des depenses a ete evalue entre 10 et 12 millions de pounds, dans un pays ou le gouvernement de coalition est lance dans une politique de reduction des depenses publiques.

Et c`est le pays de l`ex-premier ministre Gordon Brown qui a le privilege de recevoir la delegation du Pape. Sa visite demarre par l`Ecosse. Un pays aujourd`hui dont l`Eglise catholique et certains de ses dirigeants sont eclabousses par des scandales de pedophilie et une reduction de la frequentation des jeunes dans les eglises.

Le pays fait face a une fronde contre les dirigeants de l`eglise qui n`ont pas fait des efforts pour essayer de nettoyer tout ce qui a ete fait de mal dans son sein. Le pape Benoit xvi aura donc pendant ses 4 jours de visite dans le UK fort a faire.

Il doit malgre tout, reprendre la main et redonner une confiance absolue et certaine au nom de l`Eglise catholique. Une Eglise qui rime aujourd`hui avec scandales, detresse humaine, confessions accablantes dues aux actes de pedophilie que l`on qualifie de quasi-endemique de ses pretres.

Des enfants remis aux pretres pour y recevoir une education spirituelle sans faille et forger un avenir radieux ont ete transformes en victime de sevices et abus sexuels inexplicables dans des enceintes spirituellement controles par des hommes de Dieu... Sacrilege!

Malgre ce tableau nefaste, le pape Benoit xvi arrive dans un pays ou des milions de catholiques, croyants, sympathisants, chretiens esperent que le message central du pape tournera autour de l`amour et de la paix.

Il y a des millons qui croient mordicus que le message de pardon, amour et de paix que va delivrer le souverain ponctif va passer et qu`il sera recu par les uns et les autres. Et de l`autre cote des atteintes a l`arrestation du pape et la presentation du pape a un tribunal pour y repondre des actes de pedophile commis par des pretres n`ont pas encore ete effacees.

Bien que l`on se sache pas encore qui est l`auteur de ces plaintes ou convocations, et meme dans quel tribunal est-ce que ces plaintes ont ete deposees. Neanmoins dans la grande masse des pelerins y a des familles dont la foi chretienne a fait deplacer des montagnes.

Une foi qui a fait oublier tout le mal qu`ils ont eu a subir apres qu`un enfant aie eu a subir des sevices sexuels dans un internat pour garcons. Cette famille a pardonne et oublie et continue de se rendre a l`Eglise tous les dimanches. Il y a des millions de familles qui attendent la visite du pape avec euphorie malgre une indifference couplee avec une opposition virulente de ceux qui estiment que la visite du pape ne va rien arranger au mal commis par ses pretres a des centaines de familles.

Tout ce que ceux qui croient en lui esperent et souhaitent, c`est qu`il les ecoute tout simplement et qu`il leur exprime son desarroi et sa peine par rapport au mal commis par ses pretres et endure par eux.

Le pape peut-il resoudre lors de sa visite tous les problemes auxquels face aujourd`hui le UK aujourd`hui? Seule la volonte divine peut sauver le pays d`une decheance certaine.

Grogne des fonctionnaires face a la crise financiere avec des pertes d`emplois, le mecontentement quasi general au sein de la population, la crise financiere, les scandales de pedophilie, le crime, la detresse, la depression, le viol, le debat sur l`utilisation ou non des preservatifs lors des rapports sexuels au sein d`un couple ou d`une relation officieuse, les exclusions au sein des familles, des divorces, violences conjugales etc.....

Pour tous ces maux, reconnaissent certains, le pape ne peut rien faire.. Par contre seule une volonte commune et coordonnee de tous et par tous peut creer ce changement souhaite. La venue du Saint-Pere dans le Uk temoigne de sa volonte d`absoudre..
Ce qui temoigne d`un louable souci de transparence apres des decennies d`obscurantisme au sein de l`Eglise catholique. Un miracle est tres attendu et espere durant le sejours du ponctif dans le UK...