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Thursday, 28 June 2012

Soboth: Cameroon economy still run by Biya`s supporters

A new report  from the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation ( IFC) finds that government implemented business reforms in Cameroon has been to slow to pay off and it is not making it easier for local entrepreneurs to start and operate a business throughout the country.

 One of the country leading employers`organisation and lobbying group is trying his best to reverse the situation, but unsuccessful they have been even the authorities are still promising to do what they can and what it is on their power and possibilities in accelerating the political process that will enable businessmen and women to create growth and wealth for the country without any political restriction.

The Groupement Inter-Patronal du Cameroon (Gicam), the leading employers`organisation which hold business and economics reforms with the government under a framework of dialogue between Public and Private sectors has been promised that everything will be done to remove all the blockages  that reduce or refrain people doing business in Cameroon.

 For the moment there is no sign coming from the government that they are willing to do so.

The newly elected president of the leading employers`organisation, Andre Fotso said during the 113th session of the  general assembly meeting  held in Douala on May 30th 2012  that the only way to put pressure on the government is to maintain the continual  dialogue on the economics reforms.

The group has managed with his government consultation and constant dialogues to reduce the average time to start a business in Cameroon. But still a lot more needs to be done by the government.

According to Jean Marc Soboth, senior economics journalist and former reporter from La Nouvelle Expression, " Cameroon`s economy is still mostly under the control of  Biya`s regime supporters who held power under the first dictatorship regime of Ahmadu Ahidjo" and there is a real need for the " government to take more drastic steps to make sure that other employers`organisation can benefit from its wealth". He thinks that the actual administration is not ready yet to change what it has been ongoing for almost three decades now and only a strong and impartial lobbying group can bring the regime to listen and act for the good of struggling dozen of millions people across the country.

President Andre Fotso speaking recently after the event organised by the lobbying group has acknowledged the fact that the challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality posed long-term risk for the country nearly 30 years after Ahmadu Ahidjo, former Head of State handed over the power to Paul Biya.

The ownership of the economy is still primarily in the hands of males dominated who pay allegiance to the corrupted regime as it has always been.

 It is believes that the Gicam has drafted a raft of policy documents that call on the government to do something special and unbelievable towards economic transformation and freedom to help share the national wealth and growth. " A growing population needs a similar growth in employment opportunities and this is a possibility available for the government and we will support it" said Andre Fotso.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Time to strike as Biya regime voice doubts

One sure thing about the anti-Biya regime campaign that`s being launched next week is it won`t be called "enough is enough with Biya regime" or No more Biya campaign.

Just as alternation has apparently become the forbidden word for " Biya is a guarantee for Peace in Cameroon" campaigners, a simple No or enough is enough with the corrupted regime or No more Biya is seen as too negative and even too disastrous for those who don`t want Paul Biya to resign from his position as the Cameroon`s longest serving Head of State to hold the post.

So, apart from an upbeat alternation is and could be possible slogan, what else should people in Cameroon expect when Ruefli Hafis and others launch the " Yes we can make it possible with alternation"?

Setting aside dark mutterings from some opposition comrades who are still uncomfortable about sharing a pro-Alternation platform with coalition politicians, the one plus for the no more with Biya campaigners is that it would be hard for their launch to be as big as a disaster as that of the " Only Biya is the guarantee for Peace in Cameroon" lot.

The RDPC and the opposition have both  used showbiz and sporting supporters for their campaign. Endorsements from showbiz and sporting supporters are all very well. But allowing them actually to speak is way too risky.

 Far away from home and with local connection, hopefully there will be some of those embittered, discontented and abused by the regime, hard-headed businessmen and women who have been around the block a couple of times and know how tough it is for a country like Cameroon to survive in an ever more globally competitive world.

Sure, Cameroon is capable of having an alternation. But at what cost and for what purpose?

What people in Cameroon need to heard next week is why Paul Biya is not the only one who can preserve the peace in Cameroon and also that after him, there will be a huge possibility for the country to move forward both in term of prosperity and national security. 

 An alternative to the present state is the best choice for over 19 million of people with more than 53% living in depth poverty. 

On the economic front, Ruefli Hafis said that the journey to alternation would be " painful and uncertain"...

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Hafis C. Ruefli, tells Global investors he has yet to be convinced about "after Biya" in Cameroon

It is the worst thing when people feel their views are not heard by politicians. So it is quite refreshing when they are. Paul Biya in Cameroon had to bow to popular opinion and reverse the way his administration is handling issues that affect the majority of the population.

 In an age of cynicism about politics, when anti-politics flourishes, what it is happening inside Biya political party shows that people power still works.

Times change and public taste is fickle and despot Biya in Cameroon during his nearly three decades in power has dragged once-wealthy Cameroon into the gutter.

 Corruption has precipitated the collapse of the economic policy, leading to devastating poverty in the country. Paul Biya is personally responsible for the downward spiral of the economy and destroyed investment industry in the process.

 Hafis Ruefli, from Muttenz in Switzerland and leader of the HR Globalinvest organisation said, the alternation or the after Biya regime was not a magic bullet for the country and admitted he has yet to be convinced of the wisdom of all those fighting underground and in exile about taking the power after Biya

 Hafis said that his attitude towards the issue had changed since as a young man from the Far North in Cameroon, he has supported his country`s independence.

Hafis said that, after Biya, the newcomers would have to find a way of working with those in place rather than competing against them.

 Asked if the after Paul Biya is workable, Mr Ruefli said " it depends what model you are looking for really, whether it would help the country to be separated from those who have worked with Biya regime, I really don`t know. Personally I still have to be persuaded about that"

 Hafis Ruefli said " the after Biya is not an end in itself but should only be the result of concluding that it is the best way of bringing about real social justice."

This debate said Hafis, needs to be rooted in how best we care for the vulnerable, stand by the poor, nurture our children, protect the environment and welcome the stranger. Hafis is looking forward to the after Biya for a Cameroon working together with the other in a real need to build a fair society and successful Cameroon economy.

Promoting a development oriented micro-finance adapted to the creation of wealth in rural sector is one of the philosophy of the HR Globalinvest, and what Biya regime has failed to deliver since in Cameroon. Hafis has a real intention about Cameroon future.....